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Use of bio-enriched yeast and stability of its vitamin D2 in wheat dough baking

By Tolosa Bogale

Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland

Food Technology

Published: Aug 23, 2018 | pg. no: 1-25

Abstract: Vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins required by our body. It is vital for keeping our bone structure Stronger. For people living in countries where there is a shortage of sunlight vitamin D supplement is very crucial. For instance, in northern European countries (e.g., as in Finland) the oral intake of vitamin D either from dietary source or from supplementing tablets is very important. Thi ...[Read more]

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Utilizing Evidence Based Abdominal Exercise Programs for Improving Core Strength and Endurance: A Critical Review Comparing the Analysis of the Effects of Two Abdominal Exercise Programs

By Robelyn A. Garcia

Arizona State University, USA

Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Published: Nov 16, 2016 | pg. no: 1-20

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two different abdominal training programs on abdominal strength and endurance, as measured by the bent-knee sit-up test. Twenty females and twenty-two males from two weight training classes were used for this study. Abdominal training programs were randomly assigned to these two classes. Group I participated in a bent-knee sit-up exercise ...[Read more]

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